In your head, hum the song: Staying alive, Staying alive

Did you know that 70% of the people who have cardiac arrest at home die. I had a woman take my class after her mom passed at home she told me that she never ever wanted to feel that powerless again so she was taking the class to avoid that awful feeling of helplessness in the future.

Robin’s Lifesaving Resources was created to supply people with the tools and resources to empower you to live a less stressful more fulfilling life. Have you ever felt panic and froze in an emergency because you don’t know what to do? Our resources can help you with that. By learning the skills of CPR and first aid you will be confident and empowered to help in a medical emergency because you will know exactly what to do.

The American Heart Association statistics state that coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States of America. The American Heart Association also concluded that bystander CPR can double or triple the victims survival rate when applied immediately. Unfortunately only 46% of people get this immediate care while waiting for EMS.

We provide CPR training and certification through the American Heart Association which is the world’s foremost leader in providing CPR and first aid training empowering over 22 million people a year with these important skills I myself have been teaching these skills 33 years.

in 2005 I received an award for empowering over 1500 people in 2004. That was the year my mom passed from cardiac arrest and I was not there to help her. So I made sure to equip as many people as possible with these life saving skills so they could help their loved ones.

I also had a woman who after taking my class 3 times (over a 6 year time frame) had to use it for her uncle who collapsed at the dinner table. She was the only one there who jumped into action immediately and became the family hero.

I would love to empower you with the knowledge, confidence and Peace of Mind that comes with learning how to help someone when they most need you. I am mobile so I can come to you or we can meet at my home. I’m available to teach privately and corporately. I am a lifesaver and I can teach you to be a lifesaver too.

I teach the lifesaving skills of Adult, Child, and Infant CPR, AED, and Blood Borne Pathogens. To book me for YOUR next class of 2 or more please call me at 843-471-6056.

Thanks to Barbara Owens for the wonderful testimonial:

And another great testimonial!

“I’m a registered nurse for over 30 years who has taken many CPR classes. I have never had a CPR certification as the one given by Robin Nazon. The class was amazing, fun, very thorough and so up-to-date. Thanks, Robin, for a job well done.”

— Jackie Hamilton RN